Monday, October 5, 2009

Women Lives

Hello! Last week I feel we had a good discussion in class. I enjoyed talking about the things in the news paper and the creepy guy that got arrested for taking pictures of the WKU cheerleaders. I also enjoyed talking about Britney Spears and her sweet new song! In part three I really liked the article 9 "Woman Sitting at the Machine, Thinking". This article really had me thinking at first. I had to read it a few times before I actually understood what it was about. When I read the article it talked about trying to type really fast and thinking at the same time about a bunch of different things. I couldn't possibly do that. This poem is about a lady that works and works and works and gets very little money for it and they don't really care about her. Another article was the "Not Just a Paper Doll". This article I really liked to read as well. In class I liked how we talked about the models and how they are so small and that they have to sell them self. They have to always lose weight and be a certain size to fit in. Also most models are female and that has a lot to do with what we talk about. When you think of a model you think "female" I liked a quote in this article, " It's all about selling yourself" This is true modeling is a challenge and you have to be the perfect size and height and basically give yourself away. Most models bodies are basically owned by an clients or agents and they have control on what you look like and your weight. The things girls do to model is crazy to me and I can't see why anyone would do it.
We talked about how girls also are easy to take what they can get. I personally am not that way but many girls get hired for less money because they know that they will not fight for more and take it. Where guys always want more. In the work force males get payed more then women but I feel that It has a lot to do with girls letting people push them around. They feel they have no power and should take what they get. A lot of businesses know a lot about those who apply for a job and if they find a single mother of 3 children they already think she will take what she can get because she needs a job. I don't think its fair at all. They shouldn't know your situations.
That's all I have today. Can't wait to see everyone in class tomorrow!!! :)

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