Thursday, December 3, 2009

This is for Nov 30th b.c no class on the 24.

Well I had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and I ate lots of yummy food. I also began reading the book "Family Gems" Its a really cute book and I'm glad we are reading it. It's about two sisters that are writing back and forth about whats going on in their life. One lives in a trailer in Kentucky and the other lives in a condo in Arizona because of her husbands medical condition. They basically talk about drama and their family. It's funny because my family and I are alike is some ways. The book really caught my attention when the first line talked about someones pussy freezing off. haha! Another thing that was funny is when they talked about the new dog they got and how he has an alarm clock. The other sister said something like, I didn't know dogs could tell time. That was hilarious. I also liked the part where they talked about the paper towels and how whats her name wets her pants sometime and she said they were the "quick picker upper" haha! The book is very cute and I'm sure my mom would enjoy reading it. I'm really excited that the authors are coming to our class. I think it will be really interesting to here what they have to say. I haven't really watched the news lately but I do keep up with the drama on Tiger Woods. I also recall us talking about the Argentina passing away because of butt implants. WOW... Well have a good day.

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