Thursday, December 3, 2009

This one is for Nov. 16

This week we started on the Family Gem's book and we were to also read part 11. My group met at the house on Tues and we took a quiz on it. I had to talk about the "Fundamentalism on the Rise". In this article they talk about the two levels of fundamentalist religion and how they are a problem to women. They talk about how "men dominate women and control reproductive decisions" and "issues of women's rights and position in society becomes the battlefield on which power struggles over cultural identity". The problem for women is that fundamentalism is a on the rise worldwide. They are reasserting male dominance and evolving into tools for civic repression, suite control and violence. Fundamentalism is "a religious movement that demands a strict adherence to a set of basic principles". A few things that I remember that fundamentalist movements did to women are that women's freedom, education, political positions, access to abortion and birth control is denied. They also talk about the methods the fundamentalist movements use to gain power and that is education, media, and political power. This was an okay article to read. I really learned a lot.

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